Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Choice Reactions

So, thoughts on South Dakota:
I think what's really absurd about this whole thing is the way the choice community is reacting. Our leadership is sitting in D.C. spluttering about how the abortion ban "doesn't even contain exceptions for women who are rape or incest victims"... well, obviously.
Zealously anti-choice politicians and zealously anti-choice voters believe that abortion is violent murder- if we don't make rape and incest exceptions for homicide, then why do we expect them to make that exception for an act that they believe is tantamount to taking a life?
We're kidding ourselves if we think these guys (and, yeah, they're guys. there are three, as in one two three, women in the S.D. Senate) are going to be our partners in safe, legal, and rare. All this warm, fuzzy, "prevention first" stuff might help Hillary in her run to the center, but it's a joke to think that women's lives go into the calculus of the self-appointed saviors of the unborn.
Most of this country thinks abortion ought to be legal, at least in these rape and incest cases. We ought to be engaging them and trying to broaden those perspectives, instead of crying foul when people who see us as murders don't play by our rules.